Vi treng ikkje å romantisere Biden
Forrige gang Trump vart president, var det mange som såg nostalgisk tilbake på tida med Obama. Det er fort gjort å sjå bakover når samtida blir mørkare. Det treng ikkje å vera feil heller. Noko blir faktisk verre.
Eg reknar med vi kjem til å sjå mykje av det same med Biden-administrasjonen. Det kan eg nok finne på å gjera sjølv også - ikkje minst når det kjem til miljøspørsmål, økonomisk politikk og arbeidsliv. Der er det openbert at Trump er mykje verre.
Men kva med utanrikspolitikk? Der er det fort å gløyme kor ille Biden-administrasjonen har vore. Joe Biden har vore garantisten og sponsoren bak Israel sine grusame brotsverk på Gaza. Det seier jo sitt at det først er no, når Biden går av, at det vart mogleg med ei moderat våpenkvile.
Det er eigentleg litt rart. Tidleg på 1970-talet, da Biden var ny i Senatet, var han ein skarp kritikar av Ford-administrasjonen si aggressive utanrikspolitikk, mellom anna i Angola. Etter kvart skifta han syn, og vart ein varm tilhengar av alt som kunne minne om krig, enten det var Israel sin invasjon av Libanon i 1982, eller USA sin invasjon av Irak i 2003.
Utanrikspolitisk har Biden-administrasjonen vore ein katastrofe for både USA og verda. Det er fælt å tenke på at Trump-administrasjonen sannsynlegvis blir minst like ille.
On Foreign Policy, Biden Leaves a Global Trail of Destruction
There is no ambiguity about President Joe Biden’s foreign policy record: it was bloody, and it was
Femårig lærarutdanning - akademisk og kostbart jåleri
I 2017 vart det innført obligatorisk femårig utdanning for alle som skal bli lærarar i Noreg, uavhengig av om ein skal jobbe i grunnskole eller vidaregåande. Det var Erna Solberg si regjering som dreiv gjennom reformen.
Endringa fekk utruleg nok støtte av Utdanningsforbundet, det største skoleforbundet. Mi fagforeining, Skolenes Landsforbund, var derimot kritiske, og omtalte det heile som "akademisk jåleri".
No har det vorte gjennomført ei evaluering. Her er det nokre interessante funn:
1) Ein tredel av lærarstudentane meiner masteroppgåva ikkje var nyttig for arbeidet dei utdanna seg til.
2) Hos lærarane som hadde vore i jobb i eitt år var situasjonen enno verre. Heile 50 prosent meinte at dei i liten eller ingen grad nytta innsiktene frå arbeidet med masteroppgåva i arbeidet sitt.
Elise Djupedal, som er ei av dei flinkaste skoleforskarane i Noreg, skriv dessutan om korleis masterkravet har vorte eit pengesluk for offentleg sektor. Høyr her:
Økt utdanning fører ikke bare til økt kompetanse. Det øker også lønningene i skolen. Ifølge lønnstabellen for lærere (KS) er differansen mellom en nyutdanna adjunkt og en lektor 66 000 kroner per år. Differansen øker med økt ansiennitet. Adjunktene har vært den største lærergruppen i skolen, men lektorene er i ferd med å ta over. Antall lektorer i skolen er nær doblet de siste fem årene
I tillegg ser vi eit dramatisk fall i kor mange som søker seg inn på lærarutdanning over heile landet. Det er jo ikkje rart - korfor velje eit yrke kor utdanninga har vorte lengre, men vilkåra er dei same som før?
Eg meiner det her peikar mot at kravet om masterutdanning er fullstendig mislykka. Det kostar enormt mykje, og det ein får igjen er heller diskuterbart. Stortinget bør verkeleg gjera det mogleg å bli lærar igjen, utan å vera nøydd til å ta mastergrad.
#norskpolitikk #skole #lærarutdanning #masterkrav
Då læraren vart akademikar
«Krona på verket i den nye utdanninga av grunnskulelærarane er mastergraden.» Den 17. desember presenterte professor i pedagogikk Elaine Munthe ei omfattande evaluering av utdanninga av lærarane i
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Forrige gong Trump var president, var det mange som tenkte han var ein slags ikkje-.intervensjonist. Den førestillinga finst framleis hos enkelte.
I 2019 skreiv eg derfor artikkelen her, kor eg prøvde å vise at Trump var like mykje krigshissar og imperialist som andre presidentar. Eg trur analysen står seg greitt.…
USA-imperiet forsvares under president Trump - Radikal Politikk
Det er en klar misforståelse at Donald Trump representerer noen opposisjon til USA-imperialismen. En rød tråd i Trump-administrasjonens politikk er tvert imot å…Ivar Espås Vangen (Radikal Politikk)
Francis Augusto Medeiros-Logeay likes this.
Ivar Espås Vangen reshared this.
One of the things that I miss on the Fediverse as compared to, say, Facebook is all the people that I know from my real life. This is something I want to solve!
Do you have experience in recruiting people to the Fediverse? If so, what arguments did you use? What help did they need? Tell me everything that you feel related to this mission.
Boost are very much appreciated :3
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Dei store tech-gigantane blir skumlare og skumlare. Overvaking, kommersiell krenking av personvern, algoritmar som gjer folk avhengige og steingale, og alvorleg innblanding i demokratiske val er nokre av tinga som bør få folk med eit nokolunde demokratisk sinnelag til å liggje vakne om natta. Fleire og fleire får auga opp for kor gale det faktisk står til med så å seie alle dei sosiale medie-plattformene mange av oss har vore brukarar av i fleire år.
Kva er alternativa? Det er ikkje godt å seie. Skal eit sosialt medium fungere, treng ein jo folk - og folk flest er framleis på Facebook, og/eller Instagram, Twitter/X, og liknande stadar.
Men ein stad må ein nesten byrje. Før jul oppdaga eg det som på norsk gjerne blir kalla "fødiverset" (eller "allheimen"). Det her er eit knippe ikkje-kommersielle og desentraliserte sosiale medium, som gjerne tilsvarer dei store kjente som Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. I tillegg til at dei er ikkje-kommersielle, og dermed ikkje avhengig av å overvake deg eller bombardere deg med reklame, er dei heller ikkje styrt av algoritmar som manipulerer deg. Du er i større grad sjølv herre over kva du vil sjå.
Og: alle saman "pratar" med kvarandre! Det tyder altså at om du t.d. lager deg ein konto på Twitter-alternativet "Mastodon", så kan du følgje brukarar på Instagram-alternativet "Pixelfed". Ein er altså ikkje avhengig av å ha eigen brukar "over alt" om ein ikkje gidd. (Tenk på e-post: om du har "gmail" kan du sende e-post til ein som har "hotmail").
Det her er sjølvsagt å kjempe i motbakke. Eg trur tech-gigantane framleis kjem til å vera gigantar om 10 år også. Eg trur dei vil halde fram med å selje persondata til høgstbydande, blande seg inn i politikk, radikalisere folk, og å manipulere oss med kyniske algoritmar til å bruke alt for mykje av fritida vår på scrolling. MEN: eg trur det vil vera ein enorm fordel om nokre av oss prøver å byggje opp noko betre på sida. Det er faktisk ingen naturlov at storkapitalen skal eige alt sosialt liv på internett, sjølv om det er dit vi har komme no.
Derfor: bli med å gi Fødiverset ein sjanse, folkens! Alle monnar drar! 😀
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/admin/federation brings my instance down
When accessing /admin/federation
on my instance, it takes too long that I end up with a 502 error. Then sometimes the whole instance becomes unresponsive.
What can I do to prevent this?
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Friendica Support reshared this.
Davida Taylor
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •No mater much change they would have to endure, it stills makes them leave their comfort zone...That's too much for most people.
( also the reason there are people still trying to use the Twitter )
in reply to Davida Taylor • • •Davida Taylor
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •More later...
( I promise )
Francesco P Lovergine
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to Francesco P Lovergine • • •@gisgeek I understand that, and respect your opinion. My position is that it would be better for me if I could stop using for example Facebook. The problem with that is that I would lose contact with many people with whom I mostly interact with through Facebook, and I am nog ready make that sacrifice.
Do you have any ideas how I can achieve this goal? If so, I would be very happy to hear them! If not, I wish you the best with using different socials for different people.
Francis Augusto Medeiros-Logeay likes this.
Louis Ingenthron
in reply to Francesco P Lovergine • • •@gisgeek I agree that there doesn't need to be a single social for everyone to use, but there are maybe some platforms that nobody should use.
Seems to me that getting folks to migrate off those platforms would be a good thing, regardless of which other platform they ultimately land on.
Francesco P Lovergine
in reply to Louis Ingenthron • • •@louis
Ok, some ideas about social networks
are now here:…
Socials, they are not your home. — frankie-tales
in reply to Francesco P Lovergine • • •Francesco P Lovergine
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •XMPP or Matrix (possibly with your own server, but not exclusively). For microblogging, Mastodon is more than enough.
But of course the problem is convincing peers to use them.
in reply to Francesco P Lovergine • • •Francesco P Lovergine
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to Francesco P Lovergine • • •betalars
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •I think the biggest hurdle for fediverse adoption is the choice paralysis people have when deciding what their home base should be. This is something you can solve by just suggesting options. I am personally on, because this is what people first reccommended to me back in 2018.
My biggest reasons to use the fediverse:
1. It cannot be bought by a rich dipshit.
2. It has no algorythm-based timelines. It especially has no enragement-based timelines.
in reply to betalars • • •@betalars Yes, the choice of server is very hard! I'm glad you've been able to keep to the same server for such a long time, I think I've been through like three since last year.
Good reasons, thank you! I did include those two in my first "come find me on the Fediverse" post.
Morgan ⚧️
in reply to betalars • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to Morgan ⚧️ • • •csh
in reply to Morgan ⚧️ • • •@raphaelmorgan
@betalars Yes, sending invites has been the only way I've been able to get anyone to sign up. You can send a link to the front page of a specific server, too, if you think someone would do well on a server you're not on.
But no one I know from real life is still active here. It's frustrating.
in reply to csh • • •Joe Vinegar
in reply to betalars • • •This allows me to keep separate the different aspects of my life: work, friends, family (if they joined the fediverse, still no luck), but also a couple specific-interest topics, and of course sex/love discourse is with another identity too.
Bonus: it's also easy to share content from one identity to another I practically act as a content curator between different communities of interest.
in reply to Joe Vinegar • • •spooky Ske-lil-ton 🦇
in reply to betalars • • •spooky Ske-lil-ton 🦇
in reply to spooky Ske-lil-ton 🦇 • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to spooky Ske-lil-ton 🦇 • • •spooky Ske-lil-ton 🦇
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to spooky Ske-lil-ton 🦇 • • •Jay Hannah
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to Jay Hannah • • •feel_my_oats 🐚
in reply to Jay Hannah • • •I just kept telling people "learn by doing no one's gonna' yell at you" but that didn't seem to take.
in reply to feel_my_oats 🐚 • • •Karin Dalziel
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •I can't say I have been very successful, I need to do more, but I do believe having a local instance is a great way to get people excited about it. So, I started one for my town. Two years later, it's still pretty small, but it feels like Twitter did in the early days of discovering local hashtags.
I have so many ideas on how to promote and grow the network, but have been so burned out the whole time it's hard to make progress 🙁
in reply to Karin Dalziel • • •@nirak I don't think anyone *needs* to promote the Fediverse, so please don't take this as me saying that what you've done is inadequate.
Wow, hosting your own server is cool! I don't think that I could do that so it will be hard for me to use that when trying to convince friends and family. But I am very glad that others do it!
Karin Dalziel
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •there are hosts that do all the techy stuff for you so it's not a lot harder (technically) than subscribing to any other service
But then there's moderation and all that, which I need to get more regular about
in reply to Karin Dalziel • • •Shannon Prickett
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to Shannon Prickett • • •Simon Jaeger
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Don't worry about telling them how the fediverse works until they've signed up and started to discover people. Keep it basic, compare the username@domain format to email providers.
in reply to Simon Jaeger • • •Jon
in reply to Simon Jaeger • • •Excellent suggestions! My experience is that it's also useful to set expectations: it is a bit more complicated than Facebook, and saying "oh it's easy" backfires because it makes people feel stupid. And, if there's an app you like, it's good to suggest it -- people default to the official app but it's not great. Also, FediTips has a lot of resources including this "tips for getting started" page
As for convincing people to try it ...
* if they're frustrated with Facebook then I've had decent (although not great) results with "here's something else, it's not completely a replacement yet but I'm spending time there and enjoying it, you might like it too, I'm happy to help get you started."
* For my trans, queer, and non-binary friends and acquaintances I highlight that there are a LOT of trans, queer, and non-binary people here -- as well as a general pro-LGBTQ attitude, and a lot of history.
* if it's somebody who uses a screenreader i talk about the alt-text culture here (and share… with them)
Accessibility resources for Mastodon and compatible software (DRAFT)
Jon (The Nexus Of Privacy)Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to Jon • • •Author in Mourning
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to Author in Mourning • • •@jnye I'm sorry you had such a rough time with it! If you don't mind me asking, what "rules" were enforced that made your friends leave?
Yeah, sometimes it's good riddance when you move to a new platform! I do miss having the sounding board from the Long Hair group on Facebook, though.
Author in Mourning
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Jennifer
in reply to Author in Mourning • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to Jennifer • • •@Jennifer @jnye As I've stated before, I believe that harassing others is not reasonable. To help remind others to use alt text, however, is reasonable.
Similarly, harassing people for their political view is not reasonable.
Author in Mourning
in reply to Author in Mourning • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to Author in Mourning • • •@jnye I can understand that people might feel "fuck this shit" if they are being told these things in a way that is neither constructive nor nice. I do agree that alttext, CWs etc are important, though!
Usually, there is a nicer way to say something that will be taken the wrong way.
Author in Mourning
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to Author in Mourning • • •@jnye Yes, I agree that dogpiling isn't good. Still, one of the reasons I appreciate the Fediverse is because of its focus on accessability, and I am not ready to compromise on that in order to lure more people in.
To be clear, I'm not trying to persuade you in any way, I am just stating my opinion.
Jen 🏳️⚧️🪕📓📖🤓
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •I know one person IRL before fediverse, and one other I met here, I've talked with IRL.
I'm actively trying to get others to move over.
in reply to Jen 🏳️⚧️🪕📓📖🤓 • • •Jen 🏳️⚧️🪕📓📖🤓
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Solarbird
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •These are people you know in person?
Show them things here that they'd like, admit up front "yeah, it's a little more complicated to get started," and add, "but once you get going it's worth it."
They need something that actively catches their interest. And for most, it's about the content - what's already here. Find _that_.
If they nibble, _handhold them through every step_. Seriously. Baby them. Help them fill out their follows. Make it _incredibly easy_, since by default, it's _not_. Particularly show the hashtag following and maybe the hashtag relay.
(see:… )
Solarbird :flag_cascadia: (
in reply to Solarbird • • •Solarbird
in reply to Solarbird • • •Also...
This may be US specific, but here, we have a big exodus from Meta right now over Zuckerberg flipping the algo to "overt evil."
Those fleeing Meta are almost entirely going to BlueSky, except for some on Instagram, who are going to Pixelfed. That's important and good!
But I got a couple of people to come here (or really, more come back here) by telling them that they can follow people on BlueSky _from here_ if both sides give BridgyFed permission to connect them.
(see… )
By doing this, I let them know they can be here and not lose contact with friends on BlueSky, which means coming here is _safe for them to do_.
Keeps the option open.
Might not matter for you, tho'.
Good luck! (2/2 fin)
let’s all go to the EXIT – Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected
in reply to Solarbird • • •Marty | 123NZ & TravelGeek
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •it's a challenge for sure. It's amazing the reasons not to switch peeps come up with.
A few have made the switch but stopped using it after X amount of time or never really activated their account.
I only post tips and some of my toots on FB to let everyone know that I've made the switch.
And focus on peeps that are complaining about Meta or their crappy timeline.
in reply to Marty | 123NZ & TravelGeek • • •morph
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Same here. For years I felt always a sad about this. Most of my friends don't have interest in social media at all I think because of the impression facebook had on them those days. So they never were open for it again. Meanwhile I think WhatsApp is what most people see as their social platform (...?)
Sorry ... so I can't help in the case. Only advice I can give is not to put too much energy into trying to convince people. You'll likely run into ignorance and disappointment.
in reply to morph • • •morph
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to morph • • •morph
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Yeah, sure they are. They are compatible with more protocols than just ActivityPub, the now standard. They used to be even compatible with facebook, twitter, Diaspora (still are) in the old days. But both projects are still under active maintainance. Their founder Mike McGirvin though is working on newer projects, streams (a repo) and forte which is not yet released as stable yet.
friendica – A Decentralized Social Network
in reply to morph • • •morph
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •BradleyKSherman
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to BradleyKSherman • • •Cecelia
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •I remind people that I’m on the Fediverse and share links to posts here.
If anyone expresses interest, I might suggest some servers that might interest them. Sharing the #FediTips site is also helpful, I think, in giving people the context they need to do research on their own.
in reply to Cecelia • • •Emily Love 🇵🇸
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to Emily Love 🇵🇸 • • •Ⓑⓡⓔⓣⓣ
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to Ⓑⓡⓔⓣⓣ • • •Terri Garland
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Francis Augusto Medeiros-Logeay likes this.
in reply to Terri Garland • • •tutormentor1
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to tutormentor1 • • •Allen
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •I have regularly failed in getting people to move over here. The number one hindrance is, "It's too complicated."
If the on-boarding process was like reddit, it might be different. "Here are some communities you may like. Here are some topics you may wish to follow."
If a new user came here, didn't get immediately shoved into dot social, and maybe was given a brief questionnaire, it could recommend ideal instances for them. The one tool we do have for this is not intuitive to the average user at all.
Many believe the added steps of signup "keeps the wrong people out," but given I still get hit with spam accounts regularly, I'm inclined to think that is not accurate and instead is used as an elitist barrier to entry.
Mastodon does many things well, but it does just as many things poorly, and the signup process is a big part of that.
I know this is not as positive and helpful as what you may have been looking for, but it's important for everyone to know that in the world of single-click account sign-ups, our processes are downright complicated.
in reply to Allen • • •Howard Chu @ Symas
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to Howard Chu @ Symas • • •Fat_Farang
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to Fat_Farang • • •Darren K. Hobbs
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to Darren K. Hobbs • • •Zalasur (also David)
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •The challenge is, ironically, the same one with Twitter (back in the day). Facebook was *designed* to connect with friends and family. It was its whole *thing*.
Both Mastodon and what Twitter used to be were more about making connections *outside* your social and familial circles.
I've been investigating both Friendica and Hubzilla which are federated answers to the Facebook model. Friendica tends to have a real "2010 Facebook" vibe to it. Hubzilla is more nerd-friendly.
Zalasur (also David)
in reply to Zalasur (also David) • • •They both have some rough edges. Friendica is very polished on the surface but has some issues (there's an account creation bug I had to deal with that involved changing my default password that was sent to me over email). Hubzilla is less "user friendly" in a sense, but it's promising.
That being said, to answer your original question, I'll be honest, I haven't had to do much convincing. People have been coming to me (2 close friends so far) to look to move away from Facebook.
in reply to Zalasur (also David) • • •@zalasur Yeah, I heard of them earlier in this thread and will probably take a look at them soon-ish.
I'm glad your friends want to follow you here! 😀
Middle Aged Man :verified_paw:
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Well, if you know them personally, send them an invite. If they have questions, hold their hand and encourage. In my case, brief with the basic frustrations not present in single server platforms and they will feel less frustration when they cant easily find anything to follow.
It will send them an email with a link to join your server.
web interface (not any app)
Invite people
in reply to Middle Aged Man :verified_paw: • • •Prainbow (she/her) 🏔️Colorado
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to Prainbow (she/her) 🏔️Colorado • • •@Prainbow Wow, moss and moonlight AND political posts? You have my interest!
Yeah, personally inviting people and focusing on the ones who are already considering the move seems to be what most people are recommending.
Shaula Evans
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •I have helped friends move here by offering support: help them find an instance that's a good fit for them,, help them get set up, recommend accounts they like to get them started, introduce them to Masto friends I'm sure they'll like.
Basically, I remove as much friction as I can so that joining the Fediverse is even easier than joining any other platform.
in reply to Shaula Evans • • •Shaula Evans
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to Shaula Evans • • •Shaula Evans
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •But it's the heart-work of friendship, so it's good.
Good luck! I hope you find a way that works for you and you get good results.
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to renegadespork • • •Dave Mason
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •I have experience *trying* to recruit people away from Facebook (and Twitter and LinkedIn) to other platforms. Unfortunately, I've had close to zero success.
One of the suggestions in this thread that I think makes a lot of sense is the direct invite via sending/emailing someone a link--a suggestion that I never tried in the past.
I'll keep an eye on on this thread for other suggestions.
Good luck!
Dave Mason
in reply to Dave Mason • • •One thing I will add about Facebook--the overwhelming excuse I hear is "I can't leave! I have no other way to keep in touch with friends and family!"
And my response is always "What have you tried?"
The silence is deafening.
So...why not deactivate your account for a day. Or a week. Or a month. See what you can do on your end to maintain those relationships (email, text messages, etc.). If you are successful, consider deleting your account. 🙂
in reply to Dave Mason • • •@DaveMasonDotMe Yeah, inviting and/or recommending servers seems to be the most popular advice. I'll give it a shot!
Re: "I'll lose contact". If everyone switches they won't lose contact...
Klaus Stein
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •If your posts are public you can announce your timeline like a blog. One does not need to register to read what's going on in your live but just click the url¹. But it may be more convenient if one creates an account on their own and use an app (especially if they want to interact with you).
¹or add it to your rss feed, but I assume most people don't have one anymore
in reply to Klaus Stein • • •leberschnitzel
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •So it goes against what I personally love on mastodon, that I have to go and look for what I want to curate my feed.
But maybe there's fedi project that still deliver the algorithm wish? I'd send those people there.
If someone knows of projects that do this, I'm happy about replies too! 😀
Sagaliciouzzz reshared this.
in reply to leberschnitzel • • •Antimony
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •@catsalad
Take their device when they're on the toilet, delete the other sm app(s) and install Mastodon with an account you pre-made for them, already following some accounts and hashtags of interest.
That's what I did with my mother. Really. 😀 But she wasn't following any acquaintances and agrees it's the same now as it was on Twitter (local news, cats and plants).
in reply to Antimony • • •Antimony
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •True :')
(I had explained it to her beforehand, actually, and try to do all administrative stuff while she's on the toilet, as to not get between her and her shows.)
Unfortunately everyone not subjected to my despotism has not really come over here, so this might be the only way.
in reply to Antimony • • •Antimony
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to Antimony • • •molly in missouri
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to molly in missouri • • •molly in missouri
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to molly in missouri • • •undead
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •I had a large group of friends in the Bay Area who also did Ren Faire, and they were all on FB. This was back when you could bridge FB with Friendica. All of them had complaints about FB- too much garbage in their feed, too restrictive in some of their profile choices, wanting more group options, etc.
I set up Friendica. I let them know what I had going on. I sent invites. I sent lots of invites. Personalized invites. Nobody showed up.
For all of their complaints, they had more fear of leaving FB than they had interest in solving their concerns. I mean, their concerns only grew over time. Permissions issues. Safety issues. Privacy issues. And I was on both platforms just trying to get any of them to show up for the very thing they requested. Nobody did.
I had my own issues with FB that came to a head at that time. I was being cyberstalked and harrassed by family members. So I canceled FB.
I had always offered help getting onto the Friendica site. I made the offer to show up, have a beer, and answer any questions. Nobody wanted to use it, but they had complaints about FB.
The friends were all very upset, for years, when they could not reach me through FB after I left over safety issues. They had to reach me via my wife. But still, not a one of them signed up to the site they had complained they needed so much.
I ran that as a solo instance for years before I gave up and moved over to a community server.
in reply to undead • • •Sensitive content
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Enh, it's fine. It was a lot of effort to set that up for them (at the time).
Sorry for adding all that info. Based on my experience, keep a list of special interest servers that your friends may like. Drop them an invite link along with a link to your preferred mobile app. And don't put much more effort into it than that.
in reply to undead • • •Sensitive content
@undead You don't have to apologise for anything!
Yeah, that seems like a smart way to do it :3
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to VulcanTourist • • •Jennifer
in reply to Sagaliciouzzz • • •Sagaliciouzzz
in reply to Jennifer • • •